A Mother's Heart

Single Motherhood: My Beautiful Surprise

December 17, 2012, was a shock to my system. I wasn’t expecting the news I received. I was showing symptoms that many would have thought was the flu… but when I took a pregnancy test, it revealed that I didn’t have the flu. I was pregnant.

Honestly, when I saw the results of the test, my heart dropped, and all I could do was stare at the wall. My mom heard me holler and asked what the test showed. I told her the test was positive. She was excited… I was scared.

Now I had to tell my dad I was pregnant. I was thirty-two years old at the time, separated from my ex-husband, and now this. I was so disappointed in myself. When I told him, he was ecstatic! My dad always wanted grandchildren, so how I ended up pregnant was the least of his worries. Now I had to find strength to tell the father of my child, hoping and praying that telling him wouldn’t be a disaster… but it ended up being a nightmare.

Two days later, I received more confirmation of my pregnancy at the local health department. Later on that evening, I got enough strength to call. I called my daughter’s father for the first time concerning my pregnancy. At first, he didn’t say a word, but then he got upset and hung up on me. I didn’t hear from him again until four months later. During that whole time, all I could do was cry. I couldn’t understand how I ended up in this predicament.

Even though my family was there for me every step of the way, I still felt alone. I didn’t have my baby’s father by my side. Many people I thought were in my corner turned their backs on me. I even felt led to step down from ministry for a while. All these things had me fall into a deep depression. Even abortion ran through my mind a few times, but God… God truly showed me who He was during my pregnancy, and my daughter became a beautiful surprise.

I realized that God used my pregnancy to bring me back into His presence and back to the basics of my purpose. Later, I would understand that being a single mother would be a testament of having faith in God, trusting His word, and being an overcomer! The day I gave birth to my daughter was truly a testimony and a love story within itself.



By: Besceglia Hall

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