

Real men open doors for the one they love, for she is his grace

Buy her the desire of her heart just to see a smile on her face

Put his coat around her when it is cold because he cares

Not afraid to show her love when by her side and when she is not there

Real men live by sincerity and honesty

Know how to plan out a romantic evening or live impulsively

Will give one or multiple dozens of roses for no reason

Expressions of love daily without a special season

Real men will always provide for spouse and family

A woman will never have to coax him; he will give freely

He will be her rock when support is needed

And do the little things to ensure her expectations are exceeded

Real men will do the heavy lifting if they can

Will be their significant other’s biggest fan

Will move any mountain to help her overcome

All the things he will do for the one he loves; they are infinite without a sum

Real love, real anyone, is hard to find

Maybe these words will open up your mind

Sometimes we do not know where to start

When someone has true real intentions for our heart

Wait for the one who treats you right

Who brings your inside delight

A real man, real love, real everything

For they are all wonderful blessings



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