
Just One Touch…Have Hope!

one touch

Figure 1 https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/b5/57/71/b55771812934726b1963ef0dc50d16b1.jpg

We all have been there where we have asked for prayer and have replied, “I will pray for you,” “I hope things will get better,” and “God’s got you.” We all have heard those sayings, and some people literally mean it, but some are just saying it to be cordial. Have you ever thought about what HOPE really looks like? What about PRAYING for someone? Or even having FAITH?

In Matthew 9: 20 -22 (NKJV), we have a story of a woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years, who fought through a crowd to touch the hem of Jesus’s cloak. Therefore, she said to herself, “If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well.” Jesus turned around, and when He saw her, He said, “Be of good cheer, daughter, your faith has made you well.”

This woman went through obstacles, through a crowd, to only touch the hem of Jesus’s garment. Her faith healed her. I’m pretty sure she had hope, and there could have been people praying for her, but she went after Jesus through her pain. Even though Jesus was on a mission to help someone else, he took the time to acknowledge her and tell her that she was healed because of her faith!

Today, we go through many trials and tribulation as Christians, and we always mention the intentions of having hope in Jesus, praying for what we believe God will give us, or even having the faith. But do we really understand what we are saying and experience when it comes to hope, prayer, and faith?

Job 11: 18, 19 (NIV):

18) You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety. 19) You will lie down, with no one to make you afraid, and many will court your favor.

Psalm 147: 11(NIV):

 11) The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in His unfailing love.

When we are down and don’t know the next step in our life, we have to have the mentality like the woman in the story and believe that if I can “touch” the hem of his garment, that I will be healed.

For us, we have the Holy Spirit and God’s Word (Bible). So, if we can look at that same scenario and modernize it, it would look like this:

“If I can just spend time with God,  

 If I can just worship in Christ,

If I can just get a moment with Christ,

I will be healed.”

She had enough faith to believe that she would be healed! We have to have that faith and believe. Faith is an action word. We can do everything in our power to make something happen, but we have to put into action our hopes and beliefs to activate our faith!

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Figure 2 https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f8/4d/9d/f84d9d85b19313e88e9a7dbdca1e69cb.jpg

Just One Touch, Just One Moment, Just One Time to be in His presence, and that alone will forever change your life.

God Bless!

Elizabeth M. Burns


I’m Elizabeth M. Burns (Liz), and I have a BA in Family and Consumer Science. This degree entails similar subject matter pertaining to Home Economics, but with so much more focus on preventive methods and programs for family within our local community. With this degree, I have freedom to become whatever my heart’s desire. I have chosen the path that God has called me to which is children and women. As my current journey through life, I’m seeking to become a future business owner of my program for women and soon children. As I journey through life, I will always realize that without Him, my life doesn’t count for anything. Achieving my purpose is what I am constantly working on. Life continues to bring new adventures for me to explore. I’m willing to go to new heights and make every moment a memory. With God, life will continue to be awesome amazing.

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