- All articles should be tailored to encourage, empower, and inspire women.
- Your voice in each article should be friendly, positive, and informative
- As a guest contributor, you may submit content that falls into the following categories: Poetry, Spiritual, Health, Business, Love/Relationship, Empowerment and Mother’s Heart.
- All articles require a high-quality photo of author
- All links to author’s website, blog, and social media are permitted.
- Submit a high-quality photo with each article. Please ensure you have permission to use each photo unless you are the owner. You can retrieve photos from www.pixabay.com or some other free source site. Please do not submit photos from google or any other site without permission of the owner.
- Rejoicing Hope reserves the right to edit any article submitted prior to publication. The use of vulgar and profane language is prohibited.
- Your article will be shared across social media sites including but not limited to (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, etc.)
- You may submit previously written articles. Please state when submitting an article whether it has been previously published. You are allowed to share articles you publish on the magazine site on your personal site. We asked that you provide a link back to the magazine site when posting the article on your personal site.
- Cite all sources and copyrighted material can only be used with permission from the copyright owner.
- Articles are to be written in an informative, not an advertisement manner.
- Please Submit all articles in a Word document and make sure articles are at least 500 words and no more than 1,000 words.
- Use this link to submit guest post: https://rejoicinghope.com/submit-guest-post/
- You may also submit empowerment videos. Please make sure you are in good lighting and have a clean background. Upload your videos to YouTube first and then submit a direct link to be uploaded to this site.
*** Articles are due on the 15th each month***
*** Currently there is no monetary compensation for contributors.***
*** Guest contributors may receive their own contributors account after submitting articles on a regular basis for at least 3 months***