Chivalry is an unheard word. Or what about romance? Is such an idea absurd? What is the model and expectation? I’m...
Shocked by the words spoken when the media brings it to light Listening to something much more shocking though the day...
I am amazing, and I can say that assuredly there is not another person like me. I am an original from head...
Allow me to relay some thoughts. I have no sponsor; I have not been bought. I just look at the world in...
Hatred is a hammer, pounding dry scarred earth. Dust covered hands wield the tool. Burnt orange haze, a badge of honor for...
Perception is not everything. Most people never truly discern a thing. My story is not written in stone. Support is key;...
If I had this, I would surely do that Best laid dreams falling flat Depending on a circumstance before we act...
I am me Originality and personality A life of vision I have a mission Walking to my own beat Standing firm on...
Summer Dreams Eat this Look like this Eat that Look like that Get in the gym, be fit and skinny Don’t have...
Ode to Dads You have tried to teach me, and sometimes I don’t pay attention I know you get frustrated each time...