Melissa McArthur

Melissa McArthur is a master swordswoman, a world-renowned traveler, and lover of all things bookish. One of these things is actually true. When she isn’t saving the world, one word at a time, she’s busy lecturing university students on parenthetical citations and torturing authors with her red pen. No matter what the capacity—editor, author, teacher—Melissa is utterly fascinated by books and words. She believes that there’s something magical about holding a book in your hand and watching as the words disappear and the story unfolds before your eyes. She hopes that she can do that for readers both as an editor and a writer—create stories that engulf you, change you, scare you, bewilder you, make you laugh, make you cry, and through stories, reveal deeper truths about life. Melissa can be found hiding in the deep corners of the library or at home with her laptop and cat. For those of you out in cyberspace, she can also be found at any of the following cyber places:

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