
Addavia Montsho

Meeting new people is one of my favorite things to do. God gifted me the opportunity to meet a beautiful and gentle soul while performing spoken word at an event celebrating artists in 2016. Over the years, I have witnessed this creative soul, Addavia Montsho, transform into a woman who is coming into her own identity and passionately pursuing her dreams.

Addavia Montsho is a native of South Carolina, but she also grew up in Florida. She is the CEO of Beauty by Dai. Initially, Addavia studied nursing at Florida A&M University from 2006 to 2008. Everyone around her kept telling her that she was a nurse. Deep down, Addavia knew nursing was completely off the mark of what she was called to do. She took time away from school to discover what she really wanted to do with her life. Eight years later, Addavia made the decision to follow in her great-grandmother’s footsteps and enter into the beauty industry. This talented woman graduated from Kenneth Shuler School of Cosmetology and earned her cosmetology license in 2016. Graduating cosmetology school and working in a salon after four months of being licensed, was a huge achievement for this beauty mogul.

Addavia’s ingenuity doesn’t just involve taking women’s hair from “oh God, why” to “oh God, yes!” She is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to makeup too. She has been beating faces since she first hit the scene in 2010. With the hair and makeup game on lock, Addavia has been putting her own spin on things and taking the beauty industry to higher heights. She went from getting paid sometimes to demanding her coins all the time and starting her own business in 2011.

Being a successful businesswoman hasn’t exempted Addavia from dealing with roadblocks. “I’m not good enough” is a lie she had to cut from the root of her mind. Addavia also had to overcome the desire of wanting everyone to like her and to accept her brilliance. As this fierce woman conquers her own inner struggles, she is showing others what it means to truly love the person in the mirror. Addavia’s heart’s desire is for everyone to know their true selves apart from the hurt and frustrations they have experienced. She wants people to see challenges as an opportunity to learn and mature into better versions of themselves.

As she is inspiring others, Addavia draws her inspiration from her parents, pastor, and her family. With their support, Addavia is determined to go hard for her dreams every day. Her relationship with God is the cornerstone of her success. She understands that she was created to stand out and not fit in the box others have tried to place her in. Addavia’s words of encouragement to women grinding to make their dream a reality is… Just do it.

Don’t let your dream stay a dream. - Addavia Montsho Click To Tweet The idea you have need action. I admit it is scary but what do you have to lose? If it fails, go harder and change your tactics. The hardest part is starting and keeping your business afloat. Always remember to have strong business ethics and stay true to your morals and values.

After she is finished beautifying the world with her amazing spirit and talents, Addavia wants to leave behind a legacy of boldness. She wants to be remembered as someone who wasn’t afraid to be herself. Being a trendsetter and an advocate for being authentic will truly be etched in Addavia’s legacy.


To learn more about Addavia Montsho connect with her via:

Social Media/Website links:

Facebook: Beauty by Dai

Instagram: _beautybydai 



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