

I am the voice that tells you, you’re not good enough
I need not shout, I whisper to the innermost parts of you
I inflict pain whenever you try something new
I’m the neon stop sign that convinces you to stay put.

I’m the dead end you cannot yield to because you’re on a one-way street
No u-turns allowed.

I plague you at night tormenting your dreams
Causing you to toss and turn, making you feel trapped in the seams.

I nag you during the day, whispering bitter nothing’s of things you’ll never accomplish.

I paralyze your mobility so that you are handicapped and indebted to me
I refuse to allow healing so I insert negative thoughts in your psyche.
Even as others screech their positive words on to you
I’m the silent killer.

Murdering any possibility for betterment of you.
I quiet the encouragement you try to live off of
I am serial killer to every glimmer of hope you try to latch on.

Like the time you wanted that promotion
I convinced you your path led to demotion
You were not worthy of any joys
I’m the abyss that leaves you void.

I am the cloud that looms over your head
Thundering thoughts of inadequacy
Lightning glimpses of failures
That you are sure to experience.

I am that billow of despondency
Thriving on your calamity
Within self, you claim war,
Understand this battle is mine to win.

I tell you, you will not be more than what you are
I dictate where you’ll go and how far.
I creep in every facet of your life
Debilitating that strength you think you have inside.

Sort of like the time you wanted to step out on faith and pursue your passion
I reassure you that success will never happen
Choking you with words you try not to swallow
Insufficient. Deadbeat. Bum. It’s in my pit I command you to wallow.

I turn your dreams into realities that will never happen
I expose your weaknesses, so you’re in constant bondage.
I attack every morsel of hope you have left
Like Clorox, I have a 99.99 success rate
Bleaching stains of positivity you have embedded in you
Erasing all memory of obstacles you’ve gotten through.

I am enraptured by the hold I have on you
The obvious sadness caused by me, I inflict onto you.
I keep you blind to windows of hope or doorways to possibilities
I crush your spirit, so you’ll never know peace.
I clog your insides with feelings of depression
You have no will to live on.
I’m the endless love song that tells you, you’ll never belong.

Destroying your pillars of faith
There is no Most High
Fear wins this case
I reign in your insides.

I am fear. I thrive on your doubt.
I am fear, I show you why it will never work out.
I cannot be silenced, I will not be put down
You were never taught to turn off my sound.

I am fear, I own you, I fill you with regrets
I am fear, your failures I will not allow you to forget.
Bulldozing your hopes, showcasing your failures, your vision will remain unclear.
Embrace me, understand me, I am fear,
I destroy your path to greatness.

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