“Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:19)
How many of us have heard married people say what they would do if they were single? During the season of singleness, many of us question our worth, question if we are good enough, or if we’ll ever meet “the one.” We long so desperately to be in the union of marriage, to have and to hold until death do us part, that we fail to invest in ourselves. Honestly, I can’t wait to have Mrs. in front of my name, but until then, I am learning to embrace my singleness in a new way. Normally in the beginning of the year, everyone runs out and gets a new set of resolutions that they want to implement into their lives. I think this, in retrospect, is awesome—it motivates people to shed their skin and become a better version of themselves, but there is one problem. Normally before the month of January is over, those same resolutions are forgotten about or put on the back burner. This year, instead of making a traditional resolution, start something new. Literally, start something new! What have you always wanted to try but never gotten up enough nerve to do? I want to encourage you to crawl out of your comfort zone and smell the dew of a new morning. I know it’s comfortable and your spot is all warm, but you’ll stunt your growth if you stay there. You don’t have to harness up and bungee jump out of a plane, but step out on faith and embark on a new adventure.
Bishop T.D Jakes once said, “You can’t be who you’re going to be and who you used to be at the same time.” You have to evolve, and the best way to do that is to try new things! Go places you’ve always wanted to go but haven’t. Growth comes from breaking out of the prison of our comfort zones. When you go out to eat, try a new dish that you’ve never tried before. Are you afraid of color? Next time you go shopping, try to buy a yellow shirt to break yourself out of your normal go-to of all black (I am so guilty of this!). Whatever you do, do it to the fullest, and even if you find that bungee jumping is not your thing, at least you experience the exhilaration of flying.
Look around you. God is showing Himself in a new way and He is waiting on you to open your eyes. He is saying, “I’m going to do a new thing, something you have never seen before. Wake up and smell the dew of your new morning!” Even if you’re afraid, you have to feel the fear and do it anyway. This year, I challenge you to show up in every moment like you were meant to be there. What do you have to lose? I hope you will be encouraged!
Love, Tiffany!
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