
Be A Mountain

Can you emit love when you’re twisted inside? Are you able to move your negative feelings into a flow so powerful that you amaze others? Have you begun to love yourself so much that you are not moved when your world is shaken? Do you love yourself enough to not be swayed when someone you value exits your circle?

There are times in life where your resilience will be tested and the system you had for yourself absolutely has to be reconfigured. These are not moments to give into your emotions and allow them to lead you to things that is out of your character. When you learn to ball up all of the negative feelings and experiences and put them into a passion that moves you from that helpless situation to a full-fledged money-producing or positive-flowing endeavor, that is when you have begun to own your life. You have become a mountain rather than a pebble by the shore! Demonstrating this shows that you have harnessed your own environment and you now control your emotions, situations, and  atmosphere. In allowing not a one person to change the atmosphere or your forward thinking, you then exhibit the skills and have experience to control your own energy and move when YOU feel necessary.

This is a skill so many people have avoided  harnessing and is the reason for many in the Western culture to maintain keeping with trends instead of being the unique people that they are. To emit love, you have to first look within, and doing so means no longer being afraid of what you may find or see when you begin reflecting inward. When you begin to learn yourself and be free to be yourself, then you can emit the love that you hold within. Loving yourself allows you to, in turn, love others without control and without animosity toward what they may do that’s different from you. To allow others to be themselves around you is the best gift that you can give them.

Hold true to your values and your motivation; then go forth and make your life what you want it to be and you’ll find that you were blossoming the entire time.

Create Your Life!

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