

I picture myself with a box around me,

not a box to limit me, but it is what everyone sees.

Every person who looks upon me brings their own stereotype.

Really, it is just hype

because the box they have me in is not the box I fit in.

What that other person sees of me is not the real me,

and yet they would rather constrain me than allow me to be free.

This box, this tiny box they have me in.

No matter what I do, I cannot win

because they see me as one way and declare that is final, the end

when really it is only the beginning,

for there is more to me than meets the eye.

They do not know that I soar and fly,

that I have done many great things,

that I have affected people in wonderful ways.

And yet they see none of it.

It’s not like I want praise or admiration;

that is truly not the situation.

I will make this declaration though.

That box they have me in is not me.

I am more than what they want me to be.

Why can they not free me?

In their mind, in their perception,

I am not sure when they developed this misconception.

Maybe from hours or maybe a minute of introspection

and yet even though they have a vivid imagination, their fantasy

with their mind is far from the reality of me.

If they would just take the time to know me,

to know the real me that is absolutely

a wonderful and beautiful person

with an extraordinary spirit, and

if I told them how I am, I do not think they would hear it.

All because of a box that they have around me,

a box so small that it could not hold one smidgen of my personality.

I have come to the realization, this box has nothing to do

with how I overcome all the things I go through

or how I live my life in love and truth.

Their box does not define me,

for I am individual, original, priceless work of art.

They could have realized this from the start,

but they did not, so I have to impart that

I may not be exactly where I am supposed to be in this life.

However, I am exactly who I am supposed to be in this life.

I am different and that is okay, matter of fact, it is great.

Maybe these words will help them relate

and decrease the hate or unverified notions they have about who

I am because it’s only a partial, maybe a snippet of the whole story.

I can only ask that they do one thing for me,

and that is to release me from the box they have created.

I would be truly elated to know that they want to know,

how I look from the inside.

There is a wide variety of things that make me shine.

I am divine, even if they fail to initially see

the true essence of me.

For this box is a reflection of their own limitation

to see past a certain dimension of the life that we have been given.

They may have tried to keep me down, but I have risen.

Let this box open up and deliver a gift.

Mend a rip and close a rift.

We should both uplift one another.

I just want you to know that no matter what you think of me, I love ya.

No more boxes, no more limitations.

Listen to this dedication and take to heart the words spoken

that you see that I am amazing because that is how I see you,

the true you.

In my eyes you have always been free.

Now how do you see me?



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