
Heart Issues

“Do not let your hearts be troubled.”


There will be times when it seems as though the world is caving in around you. You may feel like you are drowning in the waves of life, but as John 14:1 say, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. “This is easier said than done. You must allow the peace of God to rule over you, even when things aren’t going well in your life. The heart is a muscle that supplies blood throughout the body. When it is working properly, the rest of the organs receive necessary blood supply and nutrients they need to function. However, when the heart is not properly working but troubled, then so are the other organs.

Eventually, the organs become distressed and things begin to shut down if the heart isn’t fixed. Spiritually, if our hearts are troubled, then we won’t be able to properly operate and function. We ourselves become distressed and will eventually shut down because we allow the cares of this world to trouble us. You have to surrender to God everything that is troubling your heart so that He may minister to you and bring about peace in your life. You are no good to yourself or to others when you are distressed. God desires for you to bask in His love and peace. Don’t allow any situation or person to trouble you to the point that you have no peace in your life. Surrender today, and as Philippians 4:7 says, “Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

With love,

Sequoia Gillyard, The Word Worshiper

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