
The Invisible Woman

I stand in the midst of thousands, yet no one sees me not even me.- Sequoia Gillyard, The Word Worshiper


It amazes me how so many people wish they had the power to be invisible like superheroes seen on TV and in movies, not realizing that there are people walking around who actually feel invisible every day. Being invisible may be cool in the movies or on TV, but in real, life it’s a nightmare. 

I used to be among those who lived the nightmare of the invisible life. I could be in a group of people and still feel alone. Sometimes, I would be laughing and talking right along with people yet feel like no one could see me. It was as if I were a ghost in my own life. Can you relate? Are you a ghost in your own life? I realized that I had become invisible the day that I no longer put myself on my list of priorities! OMG! Wait a minute, you mean you made yourself disappear, Sequoia? I know that is the question you have floating in your mind right now, and the answer is YES! I was the one who made myself invisible, and you are responsible for your own invisibility as well.

I put everything and everyone else before me. Now, before you think I’m being selfish, tell me how can someone serve from an empty cup? None of us can serve if we are on empty, and baby, I was on empty, OKAY? I made the mistake of thinking that my importance was based on if and how people saw me. The truth is, I had to see ME first! How can I expect others to see who I am when I don’t see myself? You have to see yourself, too. However, in order for people to see themselves, they must know themselves! I know I’m all up in your Kool-Aid and the flavor is purple. (I don’t think anyone says grape, do they?). Whether you are single or married, one person you should always be dating is YOU! You are so amazing, so why not get to know the AMAZING YOU? Make sure you invite GOD on your dates because as your creator, He can tell you even more how FABULOUS you are! As you get to know yourself and become confident in yourself, it will radiate out into the world!

I say all this to say it’s time to ditch the invisible woman lifestyle and LIVE! I mean really live for you! No more trying to make everyone else happy while you’re miserable from trying to be superwoman for them. Oops, did I just step on your toes? No, I’m not sorry either because I had to step on mine, too. You deserve to live the life of a QUEEN and not a ghost! So do me a favor right now, please. Go find a mirror and tell that beautiful, bold, intelligent, sassy, fun, energetic, powerful woman that you want to get to know her and are ready to love all of her! Afterwards, come on over to my Facebook group Pillars of Hope and tell me all about how the woman in the mirror felt from all the love you showered her with. I can’t wait to hear about this love story. I love love stories. Oh, and don’t forget to schedule a date night with the woman in the mirror and God. I’m sure they both would love to spend some quality time with their favorite person: YOU!


Here is a TREAT for you! Below is a poem from my book Pillars of Hope that I believe will bless you even more!


Who am I?

Where am I?

Presently, in this moment, I do not know.

I show up for everybody except me.

Deserting myself, I abandoned me.

Working overtime on everybody else’s time,

failing to spend time to get in touch with my inner


Trying to be a superhero to others

and I can’t even save me.

The truth is I’m too exhausted to care for myself.

My energy has been invested in the stock market of

others with no return on my investment.

Leaving me with a deficit,

I don’t have any energy left

to invest in my own life.

I’m last on my list of priorities,

thinking it’s selfish if I don’t put others first.

But truthfully, it’s selfish of me

not to put myself second on my list,

right after God, who is number one.

How can I be of service to others

if I choose to neglect me?

So, I aimlessly walk around wondering

why have I forsaken me?

Copyright © 2014 Sequoia Gillyard

With love,

Sequoia Gillyard, The Word Worshiper

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