Kevin Lewis

Kevin Lewis is a poet/writer who believes the world needs a little more inspiration. Kevin is proud to be a member of the 40+ year club and is from a little town called Niceville, FL (and yes that's the real name of the city!). Kevin enjoys looking at real world issues and finding the positive outlook. Kevin is an outside-the-box thinker that has a pure love and appreciation for all people. Kevin is an overcomer of many challenges including being diagnosed with epilepsy and asthma at an early age and being completely healed of both conditions. Additionally, when he was growing up Kevin had difficulty in learning in school, but has since finished and received 4 degrees, including 2 Masters degrees. Kevin believes no matter what the obstacle he can succeed and hopes that his poetry inspires people to do the same Kevin has a passion for health and fitness. Kevin is an avid researcher of all things health related, loves a good workout and a good run. If there is a health or fitness challenge, Kevin is up for it and is always willing to help people live a healthier lifestyle. Lastly, Kevin hopes that if his poetry and writing helps just one person reach higher or go farther then his overall goal is accomplished. Ultimately, Kevin does not write for himself, but because of his desire to encourage other people

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