
The Matrix



I set my face to Jerusalem 3 Xs

Not my will, but Yours be done

I am a chosen one.


A what?

You’re too much!


I set my face to Jerusalem 3Xs

Not my will, but Yours be done

I am a chosen one.


Livin’ in ‘da matrix

Lookin’ to the sages

Down through the ages

For ‘da key

To set me free

From the mazes

Of ‘dis matrix

But the sages

Didn’t have the paper

To pay my wages

So, I kept work in’ it out in stages.


Then one day

I came across The Way

His name is Jesus

The Chief of all ‘da sages

He opened my eyes to SEE

He alone was the key

To set me free

So, I sat at His feet

And He showed me

The matrix INSIDE of me

The battle of my mind

Was the worst of it’s kind

A solution I couldn’t find

Till Jesus

The Chief of the sages

Unraveled all the mazes

Only, He did it in stages

Called the apostolic process

And He said, “Watch this!”


Suddenly, I saw a vision

Of His mission

He was down on His knees

As He started to weep

Sweat like blood dropped from His face

The vision I saw could never be erased

He cried…


“I set my face to Jerusalem” 3 Xs

Not my will, but Yours be done

I AM The Chosen One.”


Suddenly, the vision shifted

And I was lifted

To a hill called Calvary

Where the matrix started unraveling

I saw Jesus

The Chief of the sages

Nailed to a cross

Where He died for all those lost

In the matrix

The famous and the faceless

It was then


I saw the matrix inside of me

Nailed with Him on that tree


I dropped to my knees

And cried,

“It should have been I crucified!”

Then Jesus

The Chief of the sages


“When I died

And they pierced my side

You and the matrix died

With Me

On that tree

When I stretched my arms wide

It was for you to become my bride


Suddenly, the vision shifted

And I was lifted

To stand before an empty tomb

Where beautiful flowers were in bloom

I saw Jesus

The Chief of the sages

Resurrect to new Life

And He said, “I’m looking for my wife.”

I dropped to my knees

And cried, “Choose me, please!”

He lifted me up

And placed a cup

In my hand

Called Surrender

And took away my badge called Pretender


You see, just as I died with Him

I now live in Him

Fully resurrected

Fully accepted

Set FREE from the matrix

By the Chief of the sages

Then He caused me

Little ‘ol me

To join the sages

Assigned to destroy the matrix

I asked, “How can this be done?”

He said, “Cause you’re a chosen one

Called to the apostolic process

So, watch this!”


I saw footprints in the sand

Created by the Son of Man

He said,” Follow My steps

That I left in the Earth

And display to the world your new birth.

I paid your wages

Now walk by faith through apostolic stages

Separation, Preparation

Revelation, Reformation

You’re called to minister reconciliation

Throughout the nations

So, send I you

To keep Heaven into view

On Earth as it is in Heaven

Destroy every matrix leaven


You are a key

To others’ victory

You are a key

To unlock apostolic destiny

You are a key

To destroy the matrix

You stand amongst the sages

So, come sing with me

This song of victory


I set my face to Jerusalem 3 Xs

Not my will but yours be done

I am a chosen one.

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