

Everyone has an idea of their perfect mate.

I am sure that you can relate.

As you see that potential one to date

and yet in five minutes you have sealed their fate.

You may not like their opening line,

probably do not know what defines them.

Immediately trimmed from your list,

why do they even persist?

My wall is up! I will 100% resist!

Maybe they do not even get that far.

You see them step out of a not-so-nice car

or maybe they are dressed not the way you like.

If a mic was on, you would let them know

you don’t particularly like what they show

and you might even gossip and tell your friends,

have a few jokes at their expense that never ends,

and yet you know nothing about the person you have viewed.

Maybe they were meant to be included in your circle you hold close.

Perhaps you should not have stuck up your nose,

for what you were looking for was right in front of your face

and all they needed was a little grace

to show you their case is truly not the story the eyes tell,

dispel the preconceived view and see what is unveiled.

This could have been simply an off day

and it would be worth your time to see beyond the display,

to learn and know what is in the heart of this passerby.

Isn’t that the most important part?

The blessing you have been searching frantically for

was actually right at your door,

but you closed in far in advance

before being open to the opportunity, a simple chance

that may have very well enhanced your whole life.

Maybe that person you quickly dismissed was actually your future husband or wife.

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