


I have an idea, actually quite a few,

and I will share each one with you.

Not sure if these ideas are good—

I cannot tell you which one you should use.

I will present them to you to choose

for you see, I like to brainstorm.

I love the ideas that are outside the norm.

The adrenaline of creating is what I yearn.

Details are not my concern,

for I am creative.

I have a native innate ability

to see outside the box of reality.

Call me a dreamer—I embrace the far-fetched, break the boundary.

Barriers do not stop or confound me;

rules and restrictions intend to cage me.

Once you engage me, though, you will realize I like to be free.

I see in a different spectrum.

While most others stop at merely adding up the sum,

I look at the exponential increase, I see potential.

I am never done looking to improve.

I will keep moving forward and toward

unexplored territory, not because I desire glory

but for the experience, for I have this inherent thirst for the amazing,

and yet often times, people enjoy placing a label on me,

all for being a little unique, all because I seek.

My limit that is greater than the sky.

I apply learnings that allow me to rise.

If only you could know what I see,

the ability that is within each person

to certainly achieve something greater.

If you never try something new,

how will know what you can do?

How far you can go or what you can achieve?

Ultimately it is all about what you believe.

Maybe you will or maybe you will never relate to how I think.

I believe in jumping, always being on the brink of a discovery.

All of these words are not meant to instigate an argument,

merely to let you know I think a little different because

I innovate.

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