
Believe Always

I am amazing, and I can say that assuredly

there is not another person like me.

I am an original from head to toe,

walking to my own beat and flow.

No one has my style or looks that way I do.

Smart and intelligent, a detective with all the clues,

I speak my mind, actually I speak my heart

always accomplishing more than my part.

I don’t get held back; instead I break through limitations

positioning myself in the best place for every situation.

I’m positivity to the max and more

excited to see what is in store.

My floor is high, but my ceiling is unlimited.

I have the key to every door; I’m always admitted.

I’m qualified, supplied with ability for the task.

My smile is genuine, pure joy without a mask.

I seize the day and live it to the fullest.

Never striving for average, I desire to be the best.

I confess I’m blessed, looking to be blessing to others.

No matter who you are, I treat you like a sister or brother.

My eyes see more than just what is recent.

I look to the future as well as the present.

I jump over obstacles and move mountains.

I overcome the storm; my faith is unwavering and never doubting.

I am a work of art with a value of priceless

always expecting more of abundance and never less.

These words are meant to encourage and not discourage,

to help another have the courage, to be free, break out of the cage.

Allow me to engage you in conversation to make a declaration

that all I have said just does not apply to me, for you see,

I am not the only one that can be this confession.

I am not greater than someone else because of some unique selection.

I am just another person who believes in the better.

No matter of the forecast of the weather,

take under consideration this simple change.

Even though it might seem a bit strange.

believe in the victory and the win

Instead of the defeat and loss in the end

Believe in accomplishing the great

instead of seeing that thought of something you cannot relate.

Believe in increase that overflows

instead of expense that grows and does not slow.

Above all else one thing you can cleave to is to

always believe in yourself like I believe in you.

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