
The If Principle


If I had this, I would surely do that
Best laid dreams falling flat
Depending on a circumstance before we act
Will leave us truly in a place of lack
We often know the right reaction before situation manifestation
But we fail to move because of the implication
Living in a world of if only
Could leave us being awful lonely
Mainly because we do not reach our full place of potential
Not realizing that taking a leap of faith is essential
More like have faith confidence
It’s not merely a coincidence, you never followed your dream
Waiting for that, I am depending on that if scheme
Afraid of failure, that you will fall down
Here is something really profound
No one is perfect and succeeds every time
Yet the rhyme or reason for success of some people is simple
They took a chance and did not wait for the if principle
Maybe you can’t relate to specific trend information
However, I have seen more than enough presentations
Of people who are leaders that took a risk
And yes sometimes they even missed
But ultimately they come out on top
Because they never stopped to wait for the situation to change
Am what I am saying that strange?
I am just proposing to keep moving forward
Keep moving toward your goal
You have the power, you have the control
To do what you seemingly think is impossible
You don’t have to sit idle in a lull
You can accomplish the great and mighty
You have all the ability needed
If you never jump, you may regret the opportunity you heeded
Moral of the story, don’t let if bring you to a stop
From continuing to elevate and never drop
Reaching the place you need to be
Stop with the if, start with the do principle. and be free

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