
Mute Those Dream Killers


It is imperative in pursuing your dreams that you silence all dream killers and focus on making your God-given dream a reality! I remember telling people I wanted to become an actress, and people tried to discourage me because of their own disbelief. I was hurt and even cried at times. I couldn’t understand how someone could try to kill my dreams. I went to God in prayer and cried out to Him about how hurt I was. He assured me that the dreams I have were actually his visions that he wanted to use me to carry out those dreams on Earth. After hearing from God, I made the decision to never allow any dream killer’s voice to ever take up residence in my mind again. The only voice I need to hear and obey is God’s voice.

Never allow anybody to kill your dreams. People did not give you those dreams; rather they are a gift from God. Dream killers may say you can’t do something all day long, but if God says you can then you can! Don’t allow dream killers to push their disbelief on you. Continue to fight for your dreams even if nobody on Earth supports you because your Heavenly Father supports you. God states in His Word in Romans 8: 31, “If God is for us, who can be against us?”

You silence you dream killers by first believing what God has said about you, and if you don’t know what God has said  about you, then you DEFINITELY need to talk to your creator. Next begin to speak over yourself and dreams declaring what God has spoken to you concerning yourself and dreams. Lastly, put action behind what you are believing and speaking. For example, if you are a singer, dancer, writer, or actor, then you need to be singing, dancing, writing and acting.

With love,

Sequoia Gillyard, The Word Worshiper

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